Here are the latest updates but feel free to submit any pertinent information you would like included in next quarter's newsletter! We hope to see everyone at Winter Conference!
Letter from the President
Message from October 18, 2023:
Dear CAPFAA Colleagues and Friends,
Today is Financial Aid Day and a very special day it is to celebrate and recognize the contribution of colleagues and friends across the United States. It’s a day we acknowledge the dedication of financial aid professionals who help students realize their college dreams.
Here in Connecticut, we celebrate in a special way. It is our very own Neville Brown, retired Associate Director of Financial Aid at Eastern Connecticut State University, who as EASFAA President (2010-2011) celebrated the very first “Financial Aid Day” (FAD) on October 20, 2010. There is a nice article reflecting on this day on the CAPFAA website written in 2019. On CAPFAA.org search Financial Aid Day.
Today, here’s hoping you do something special! Have an office party, a potluck, a toast, wear something symbolic, pump up the music, take lots of pictures and more! As you celebrate your contributions to the profession, please share your thoughts and photos with CAPFAA.
To a Fantastic FAD ….. Cheers!
Latest News Updates from the State and Federal Relations Committee
Here are some of the Financial Aid Day Celebrations that happened:
Please join us for the 2023 Winter Conference!
This year's CAPFAA Golf Tournament raised $11,700 for our scholarship fund!