2324 Henry L. Miller Emerging Leader Nomination

The Henry L. Miller Emerging Leader Award is awarded annually in memory of Henry L. Miller, a long time CAPFAA member, financial aid administrator, consultant and mentor to dozens of financial aid professionals. The purpose of this award is to recognize an up and coming leader in both CAPFAA and the financial aid profession. CAPFAA members can nominate colleagues who meet the following criteria: Must be a current CAPFAA member in good standing Must currently serve on a CAPFAA committee or Executive Council position Must demonstrate leadership qualities and show promise of becoming an emerging leader. CAPFAA members can nominate colleagues who meet the following criteria: ï‚·Must be a current CAPFAA member in good standing ï‚·Must currently serve on a CAPFAA committee or Executive Council position ï‚·Must demonstrate leadership qualities and show promise of becoming an emerging leader



2324 P. Jerome Cunningham Distinguished Service Award

The P. Jerome Cunningham Award is awarded annually in memory of Jerry Cunningham, one of CAPFAA's founding fathers. The purpose of the award is to recognize a CAPFAA member for distinguished service to the financial aid profession. Nominee must be a current CAPFAA member in good standing.



2324 Magic of Mentoring Award

The Magic of Mentoring Award is awarded annually by the Mentoring Committee. Its purpose is to recognize an individual mentoring others within CAPFAA and the profession over a sustained period of time. The award name is a nod to its inaugural recipient, Mr. Bill Mangini, and represents his love of magic and his magical transcendence across all ages and school types. Nominee must be a current CAPFAA member in good standing.



2324 Lifetime Membership Award

The CAPFAA Lifetime Member Award is awarded annually. The purpose of the award is to recognize a CAPFAA member who has made an outstanding and sustained contribution to CAPFAA and the financial aid profession. Nominee must be a current CAPFAA member in good standing.
