Newsletter Information

The online Newsletter, maintained by the CAPFAA Communications Committee, is published quarterly. This resource serves to inform the membership about current topics in financial aid/ higher education, and provides a means for members to communicate accomplishments and professional development.


The Communications Committee relies on the contributions of the CAPFAA community to ensure that the Newsletter is a timely and valuable resource. Please consider contributing an article or news item of interest to the membership.


When submitting an item for publication, please note the following guidelines:

  • Submission deadlines are typically at the beginning of the month prior to publication in March, June, September, and December
  • Emails with specific deadline information are distributed via the CAPFAA ListServ
  • Contributions must be written by current CAPFAA members/ institutions
  • Content for articles must be limited to financial aid and higher education topics
  • Submission content and language should maintain an appropriate, professional tone
  • Contributions may not include content that could be viewed as solicitation or advertising
  • Article format should ideally be submitted in Word, in an 11 or 12-point sans-serif font, and already spellchecked
  • Any photographs submitted should be in .JPG format

The CAPFAA Communications Committee will review all submissions to ensure that they adhere to the guidelines and may ask contributors to revise their articles as needed.


Our sincere thanks go out to all our colleagues who have taken the time to contribute to this and past editions. We hope that you will consider a submission in the future.


CAPFAA Communications Committee