1. Where do you work and what is your title? Connecticut State Colleges & Universities, Board of Regents for Higher Education; Assistant Director of Financial Aid Services 2. Why did you enter the field of Financial Aid?  Left working the family catering business to pursue a...

By Steve McDowell, Assistant Director of Financial Aid Services, Connecticut State Colleges & Universities On March 25, 2014, the Department of Education had issued a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) regarding Gainful Employment.  With over 95,000 comments received by the financial aid community, the Department published...

Congratulations to our friends Neville Brown, Eastern Connecticut State University and Odette Franceskino, Quinnipiac University School of Law! Odette was elected EASFAA Treasurer and Neville was appointed Representative at Large for NASFAA. We’re proud to have them represent Connecticut and our organization on the regional and national...

Email address: Felicia.McGarry@uconn.edu Where do you work and what is your title:  Financial Aid Officer at UConn What’s your favorite food?  Pasta Why did you enter the Financial Aid field?  I was looking for a job on campus as an undergraduate and my friend worked in the Financial Aid...