15 Feb From Claire Dwyer, First Marblehead: I am thankful for many things…
First I have a wonderful family, at times granted the nuclear family thinks I have lost my marbles. I met a search and rescue fireman (Jim Cable) two weeks after 9-11 on my first flight in September 2001. As you might well imagine there were not very many people wanting to fly during those months that followed. I was lucky and made a wonderful acquaintance that day, we spoke on the phone , he spoke to our son Peter who was five at the time. He sent Peter a fire coat and a video of him speaking to his child’s class about 9/11. Within a year I had found fireman Christmas ornaments and we bought and mailed them to him with a note from Peter. This 9/11 Peter recounted his connection of Jim Cable to a childhood friend and made sure he went and got the coat from storage to share.
I have had the opportunity to get to know so many people through working in and being involved in the Higher Education Profession. Many, I will never forget as they have touched me deeply, and still delight and surprise me. Relationships made that are time tested no matter how long we have been apart are truly priceless!