05 Nov Meet Dan Dreves!

Where do you work and what is your title? Financial Aid TV, Director of School Partnerships

Why did you enter the field of Financial Aid? I love working in Higher Education and being a part of the process that assists students in realizing their educational dreams.  

What do you like most about your job?  I am very excited to have recently joined Financial Aid TV. I like the opportunity to assist campuses offering our services that can make their jobs easier and helping students.

Most exotic place you’ve visited? I’ve traveled to over 60 countries, but one of the most exotic was probably Tasmania. It was so beautiful and has a wide range of eco-systems. I loved it! Interesting fact is that Tasmania has the world’s cleanest air.   Save that one for trivia!

If you won the lottery, how would you spend your millions? I have actually dreamed of this…. I would create a non-profit that focuses on doing good things, similar to Make A Wish. I would want it to be incognito and out of the limelight. We would focus on providing scholarships, doing something special for assisted living residents or a sick child, funding an animal shelter, being a secret Santa, etc. The list is endless. 

What do you do when you are not working? I enjoy boating, exploring new places, and spending time with my wife and our dog!

If you could go any place on vacation, where would it be?  If I had a magic wand, I would like to go to Egypt and explore the pyramids. Can you imagine entering a pyramid for the first time and sharing that connection with someone thousands of years ago? I have a passion for archeology and would love to have the opportunity to be a part of an exploration.

What advice would you give to someone new to the industry? For someone new to the industry, I would encourage them to get involved with CAPFAA. It is a great opportunity to network with some amazing professionals who really care about students and understand the complexities of financial aid.

Are you a dog or cat person? I love animals, both dogs and cats. If I could come back as an animal, I would request to be a Chocolate Lab. We have one, she is one lucky dog!

Please tell us a little something about your family: I grew up in the mountains of Colorado. My two sisters are also in education. One is an Associate Professor at Oregon State University and holds a Doctorate in Entomology and my other sister founded a non-profit ecology/nature center in Colorado focused on providing educational programs on nature and our environment. My wife is an incredible chef who is solely responsible for my weight gain.

What is something your colleagues would be surprised to know about you? One of my dreams was to own a gold mine.   Doesn’t everyone want one of these?  And one day I actually did. It was called Dan’s Dream and was out west near a ghost town in the Nevada desert. This mining claim was originally a gold mine that never produced gold. Figures huh? But it was like a Disney ride. Underground shafts, ore cart tracks, and a part of the 1800’s old west mining days.   I loved it. But after several years of living in Connecticut, I had to let it go. In my office, I have a mining pick left by some long gone miner and it still has his initials carved on the handle.