21 Nov Melissa Stephens Named To NCAA Division III Financial Aid Committee

Melissa Stephens, Western Connecticut State University Director of Financial Aid and Student Employment will become a member of the NCAA Division III Financial Aid Committee on January 1, 2020.

The Division III Financial Aid Committee has input when it comes to reviewing and proposing financial aid legislation.  This committee also recommends educational initiatives for the membership regarding student financial aid to Management Council.

The 12-member Financial Aid Committee is comprised of four members shall be financial aid administrators, one of whom shall be from a public institution, one member of the committee shall be a member of the Management Council, at least one shall be a president or chancellor and at least one shall be a member of an ethnic minority, and at least four positions shall be allocated for men and at least four allocated for women.  They meet in-person twice a year in February and November and conducts regularly scheduled teleconferences.

According to a press release posted on WestConn’s website, “Melissa is an excellent choice for the appointment, not only as a representative from Western Connecticut State University but also the Little East Conference,” stated WestConn Director of Athletics and Recreational Sports and NCAA Division III Management Council member Lori R. Mazza.  “Not only will her outstanding leadership serve her well in this position, but her long-tenured experience as the Director of Financial Aid will help her represent public institutions as one collective voice.  I have found her to be approachable, open-minded to the various issues facing all institutions, yet firm in her approach to policies and procedures.”

We couldn’t agree more. Congratulations Melissa!