20 Mar Members’ New Year’s Resolutions and Updates
At the beginning of the year, we asked members to share their New Year’s resolutions and tips for staying on track. Since it took a while to go-live with the new website, we also went back to check on their progress…
Vivian Castelli, University of Connecticut:
Resolution reported in February 2012: “My new year’s resolution was to make more time for creating art. It’s working so far! I’ve been doing more art projects with my daughter Lily and I have since completed a couple of my own pieces. I went to a creative event for adults, (people getting together to express art in various forms music, costuming, painting, dance etc) which was very inspiring–that sort of kick started the whole process.
So, it’s about making space for what you love!! So simple, really 🙂 “
Update in August 2012: “Well, I have managed to incorporate a bit more time for Art in my life. Still, not as much as I would like but progress has been made! The cooler months ahead bring more time inside (in the DARK, sigh), but on the plus side, I anticipate working on even more Art projects on my own and with my daughter. In the late spring I finished an illustration for a friend based on her favorite quote, and just last night I finally got to show it to her. She really liked it; she got a bit weepy. I have so many ideas, always trying to balance the time for them! 🙂 ”
Jennifer Fuhrmann, University of Hartford:
“Resolution” reported in February 2012: “This year I resolved not to resolve. I have found that for me, making resolutions on this date doesn’t work. I have to pick a date that’s more meaningful and reflective of my current mind frame and ability to hold firm to that resolution.”
Update in August 2012: Since this time, Jennifer has confirmed that she has yet to make a resolution and still holds firm that a resolution worth having doesn’t need to wait until New Year’s to be made.
Stacey Musulin, University of Connecticut:
Resolution reported in February 2012: “For 2012, I resolved to be to work on-time (my start time is technically 8 AM…ish). It worked OK for almost 2 weeks, but then I found myself slipping back into old habits (though in my defense there are cases in which my dog Moxie is not an efficient executor of “business” prior to when I need to leave, requiring additional trips to the backyard). I’m still trying. What I find helpful to stay on track is preparing my lunch and Moxie’s daily treats ahead of time, and resisting the impulse to try to complete one more housework chore (e.g., laundry) before leaving the house in the morning.”
Update in August 2012: “Well, I DID try hard to be on time, but later in the year I changed my official start time to 8:30 and that worked a heck of a lot better! I’m even 15 minutes early sometimes!”