06 Jan NASFAA’s Ask Regs “Knowledgebase”

Questions about specific aid programs, regulations, and procedures? Student aid administrators can go to http://www.ifap.ed.gov/ifap/ for links to aid-related Federal Registers, the Federal Student Aid Handbook, Dear Colleague letters, etc. Even with all this information, we sometimes we are still left with questions about how FSA rules apply to specific situations we encounter in our work with students and families.

As an additional resource, NASFAA has revised its Ask Regs program to be a searchable database of answers to common questions. Members may type in a question, category, or view the most popular or recent topics. If you have interest in a topic that include changes or appears to have varying interpretations, you may subscribe to be notified whenever an update is made to that article. Click below to access a PDF detailing how to navigate and use this service.
