20 Mar Past President’s Message
Dear CAPFAA Colleagues:
As my presidency starts to come to an end, I have been reflecting on where CAPFAA’s been and where it is now. This year, the Strategic Planning Committee has completed the ominous task of reviewing and writing and rewriting policies so that CAPFAA may better carry out its mission:
The Purpose of this Association shall be:
Section 1. to promote the professional preparation, effectiveness, recognition, cooperation, and Association of:
student financial aid administrators at post-secondary institutions
and others in educational institutions, government agencies, foundations, and private and community organizations concerned with the support and administration of student financial aid
Section 2. to serve effectively the interest and the needs of students, faculties, government agencies, and program sponsors through the coordination of plans and programs pertinent to student financial aid
Section 3. to assist educational institutions, government agencies, and private and community organizations to promote and develop effective programs of student financial aid.
Section 4. to facilitate communication and cooperation among educational institutions and between these institutions and sponsors of student aid funds.
Section 5. to promote such systematic studies, cooperative experiments, conferences and other related activities as may be desirable or required to fulfill the purpose of this Association.
This year has been an active one for CAPFAA in the spirit of this mission. Every committee, volunteer and participant in activities has contributed to this goal in one way or another. Without the support of the membership, CAPFAA would not be the organization it is today.
While I have observed volunteerism within the organization, more members need to step up to the plate so that the momentum of CAPFAA may continue. Newer faces need to replace the veterans of CAPFAA within the capacity of committee chairs and elected officers. CAPFAA is in dire need of new energy and new ideas. With this being my last message in a CAPFAA Newsletter, I ask that you consider joining a committee or even running for office when the time comes. With an association this size, there is no reason that in the future the slate of officers for an election can’t be filled.
With that being said, please participate in all the CAPFAA has to offer, including Executive Council meetings that take place the third Friday of every month. Make CAPFAA YOUR organization.
Respectfully submitted,
Roberta Frick
Director of Student Finance
University of Connecticut
School of Law